Monday, February 11, 2019

An Awesome Vintage Postcard Pickup

I recently made a small but enjoyable purchase from the founder and lead moderator of Net54, Leon Luckey. He posted for sale a postcard and after a little thought I decided it was too cool to pass up. Click to embiggen:

The newest addition to my Vintage Collection is this ~1910 "The Never Wases & Has Beens" postcard featuring baseball in Panama. The color and overall look of the postcard and people within are super interesting.

I've been posting very little due to a recent move for work and being without a scanner for the time being. I've got a lot of sweet stuff to write up and share as well as a job to discuss and stuff to sell.


  1. Not often you see a 109 year old postcard. Very cool.

  2. That's a great one. For the right price I wouldn't hesitate. I'm guessing it's rare. Sounds like you haven't had time but if you do any research on it let us know.

  3. You doing alright, Greg? Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're posting again soon!

  4. I think he's into comic books now
