Monday, October 31, 2022


The most Halloween-themed post I could think of was to showcase a card of a man who made a living wearing different masks/personas year after year. I randomly thought about this card and was able to land it for a few bucks on eBay. Slabbing it for $8 just seemed fun, so off it went and eight or so months later it returned to me.

I always enjoyed Mick Foley in whatever version of him was put on TV. This cool Mankind card out of 1997 Cardinal WWF Trivia Series shows him in full Mandible Claw mode and I quite like the yellow border. A cheap but cool pickup and once I add a card of The Rock, my wrestling itch will be scratched to completion.


  1. I remember a few of my students loved Mankind back in the late 90's and early 2000's. Started watching wrestling again during that era, because of guys like him, The Rock, and Stone Cold.

    1. The Rock was my fave! Loved the Attitude Era, stopped watching very soon after it ended. I do thoroughly enjoy Dark Side of The Ring now.
