Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lots Of Goodies Today

On Monday's episode of Around The Horn, Plaschke said pitchers should only throw at guys if they "feel it in their heart". I guess Chad Billingsley didn't feel it in his heart last postseason, and was right to not throw at the Phillies last year because going against your heart is wrong, right Bill? Right? Not to mention how stupid it would have been in a playoff game to give that potent of an offense a free baserunner.


In a discussion regarding Josh Hamilton drinking alcohol after his years of drug and alcohol addiction, Plaschke said repeatedly that alcoholism (and I would imagine he believes drug addiction as well) is a disease. Now I know many people, including Plaschke, believe this, but alcoholism is not a disease. It's an addiction. There's a huge difference. Cancer is a disease. Huntington's Disease is a disease. Addiction is not - it's simply a dependence on something. Me, I love chocolate (but being a chocoholic does not qualify me as suffering from a disease) and sports and Megan Fox. Shit, if addiction really is a disease, sign me up for a lifetime supply of that last one, and I'll proudly champion around that ailment. I mean, who wouldn't want to, on a daily basis, deal with this:

But we shouldn't really pick on poor Billy, what with him suffering from two diseases himself. That's right folks, The Argyled One suffers from the debilitating diseases known commonly as Homerism and Bad Journalism.

Plaschke also let loose this piece of brilliance, which I'll paraphrase: Managers arguing with umpires out on the field, kicking dirt and generally throwing a tantrum, are childish, and baseball is the only sport to allow it, which is wrong. Now I don't disagree with his premise that this behavior appears childish, but this is the same man who believes pitchers should throw 90+ MPH fastballs at opponents to get revenge when one of their players gets hit. Is that not just as childish? I think so.

Like Bill, I personally don't have a problem with retaliation in baseball, but I also don't have a problem with managers running onto the field to argue calls and throw tantrums. Both are childish in their own ways, but neither actually bothers me. A little consistency from our dear friend at the LA Times is all we ask for, and would be greatly appreciated.

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