Friday, March 28, 2014

1954 Dixie Dairimaid Ice Cream Lids: One of My Rarer Al Rosen Cards

Any day I stumble across a vintage oddball card of Al Rosen is a good day considering I am basically down to just vintage oddballs and hits in my quest to complete my Rosen PC. I'm aware of some of the rarer food releases I need but occasionally a piece of cardboard appears that was previously foreign to me.

Such was the case when I came across the above Dixie Ice Cream Cup Lid of The Hebrew Hammer. The front is more beat-up than I usually like on my vintage cards but considering I had never seen it before and it was within my price range, I knew I'd be taking a good shot at landing it. I was thankfully able to take it down without trouble, and it was somewhere around half a blaster if memory serves.

This version of the '54 Rosen Dixie Lid came from a cup of Dairimaid Ice Cream. I've found that there are a number of variations which could be found on a number of different cups of ice cream.