Wednesday, August 1, 2018

(Zack) Wheat Wednesday: 1912 Hassan Triple Folders with William "Bad Bill" Dahlen, Slabbed an SGC 35!

Another major Zack Wheat need has been crossed off of the list with this recent eBay purchase. I was very happy with the price and even happier with how aesthetically-pleasing this SGC 35 turned out to be in-hand. From the 1912 Hassan Triple Folders set, my newest Wheat:

I've missed out on this card a number of times before but patience paid off and I scored it for a steal. Wheat is paired with former Brooklyn player and manager Bill Dahlen, and after doing some research on Dahlen I was impressed by him.

His nickname was "Bad Bill" which is just fantastic and sounds like he should have been a gangster or 1970s pimp. He also should be in the Hall of Fame when you look at his playing career and the fact he was an excellent hitter, fielder, and baserunner while playing a premium position like shortstop.


  1. Beautiful card. Don't know much about this set. Might need to see which Philadelphia Athletics are in this set.

    1. Thanks! And it's a cool set! I'd definitely recommend grabbing one.
