Monday, April 11, 2022

1920s Transfer Stamp Ty Cobb, SGC A!

Today's pre-war beauty is something I had never seen before stumbling upon it on eBay. I expected it to well exceed what I felt comfortable paying but I was very wrong once the dust settled. For significantly less than the cheapest Zion rookie auto, this truly unique and rare Ty Cobb is now mine.

I can't find anything on this issue and I know SGC has a reputation for being far more lenient than PSA in slabbing vintage without full checklists....but this is clearly a legit early 20s item featuring one of baseball's all-time greats and I'm tickled to have it in my collection.

My Cobb PC is slow but steady in terms of progress. I go through stretches of looking specifically for Cobbs, but with his prices never dipping I should really devote more time to this venture.

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