Thursday, March 2, 2023

1888 N2 Allen & Ginter Pickups: American Indian Chiefs

I randomly stumbled upon an awesome pair of cards being sold together on eBay. I thought there was a solid chance they would stay within a range I was comfortable with but figured they would still end up selling for more than I wanted to spend at the time, so a pass would be the end result of it all.

Much to my delight a final price of under $20 delivered including tax yielded these two beautiful pre-1900 pickups. Both hail from the 1888 N2 Allen & Ginter American Indian Chiefs set and suffer from paper loss as the biggest detracting element. Even with that issue they are both gorgeous and welcome additions.

Agate Arrow Point is the first of the two and is the first card in the set, a fun little nugget I discovered after the purchase was finalized. The paper loss, while decent in amount, is confined to the bottom right corner and edge and does not detract at all in my opinion from the aesthetic joy this delivers.

Bull Head unfortunately has the lost paper right on his face but remains a pretty splendid example of a 135-year-old piece of cardboard. Seriously, give me all of the original A&G over anything modern of any kind.

Here are the clean backs which do not have any paper loss, although in fairness I only did a quick pass without the usual amount of light I prefer in such matters. Even if I missed a tiny speck or two these are much nicer backs than I ever expect to find on original Allen & Ginter cards.

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