Wednesday, August 14, 2024

(Zack) Wheat Wednesday: 1920 W522!

Today's addition is one I've had my eye on for some time but never made a big play for. Eventually I realized the PC was still in need of it and as happenstance so often plays a role in these things, it showed up on eBay at a reasonable price. I bought it raw, subbed it with PSA, and got it back months later.

Now back in hand as a Hand Cut PSA Authentic, this 1920 W522 of my main man Zack Wheat is hopefully the first in a long line of new Wheats as I try to fill holes in the collection. I always prefer actual photos to artists' renderings but when you SuperCollect one player, being picky is not a wise move. It's one of the better looking artistic takes on Zack and I'm very pleased to finally have locked it up.

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