Monday, September 9, 2024

An Amazing Card Show Score!!

Today's post was a completely unexpected find at a local card show that blew me away. There is a show here in Vegas every three months that I attend religiously. While I hold out hopes I might find a Zack Wheat I need I go to these knowing the chances are slim and only expecting to find some stuff I can flip online. Any of my remaining PCs beyond Wheat....well, I know I won't find anything to snag.

That's the thing about low or no expectations -- sometimes, you are pleasantly surprised and the last show in July proved to be the biggest card show surprise of my life. Tucked deep within the boxes of an entirely non-sports table was a little gem I instantly knew I would be walking away with. I actually found an Archer sketch card at a show in my city!

I am still in disbelief and can't understand how this came to fruition. The product is 10 years old, there were only about 3,600 total sketch cards based on reports, and I never find any of it in any form (singles, packs, boxes, cases) in the wild. The dealer had it marked at $25 and offering a twenty spot had him quickly declining, so I paid up and left with the newest member of my sketch card crew.

Irma Ahmed is the artist and only owning one of her pieces prior to this made the decision to grab this all the more easy. She has a great style and on eBay this likely would have been listed for more.

I still hold out some hope I will stumble into a score of sealed wax of the product one of these days....fleeting hope, but hope all the same.

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