Wednesday, September 4, 2024

(Zack) Wheat Wednesday: 1909 Spalding Guide Minor League Item!!

Any day I can add a new Zack Wheat to my collection at this point is not only a great day, but a phenomenal day as they are fewer and further between at this stage in my journey of PCing the Dodgers' legend. When I spotted this 1909 Spalding Guide photo on eBay, I jumped and was pumped to land it.

It did not break the bank by any means necessary; is from the cool Spalding Baseball Guides I am a huge fan of; and is unique and oddball which I also adore. It was listed as 1908 and while I agree the picture is of the 1908 squad, it has to be from a 1909 Spalding publication.

Wheat, number 6 on the piece, is pictured on his Mobile Sea Gulls squad while in the high minors as part of the Southern Association. For a pre-war guy, finding anything from the minors is very difficult, so when I found this I had to grab it.

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